Sunday 4 January 2009

Sorry couldn't resist. All will become clear shortly....

So it's been a good three quarters of a year since I last updated, mainly because I can't access my blog at work and what with most of my readers are friends on Facebook - you already know what I've been up to. Yes there are quite a few drunken pictures.

So what have I been up to (for the gazillions of fans of my blog who aren't my friends on facebook and have been clicking on to my blog daily in the excitement that there would be a post only to find that there was no update and so returning to their offline lives just that little bit sadder)? Well, let's see....

About a month ago I finally caved into my Fit Housemate's (who incidentally is now an ex housemate - fair game moooo ha ha ha ha) constant nudgings of 'Celeste become a cox'. Which is quite funny really as if FH had never moved in with me, it'd be doubtful that he'd be a rower now. You see about a year and a bit ago I started "seeing" a rower, Rower Boy. He's 6.4", posh and has the biggest arms I've ever seen. One evening I was cooking dinner for RB when FH wandered into the kitchen. RB then asked FH if he had ever considered rowing as he was a good height (6.3"). FH said no but that he was quite keen on the idea. Strangely the timing was pretty good as the season was starting in a couple of weeks. FH hasn't looked back since really. He's made a load of good friends and he is quite a good rower.

Move forward a year and it's my turn to be a novice!

So far I've coxed on 2 outings (there's another novice cox y'see and we have to take it in turns) and been out in the launch (motorboat that the coaches sit in and shout at us from) about 4 times.

I have to be at the Club (Putney Embankment) for 8am on Saturday and Sunday mornings and I go down on Wednesdays to practice calls and workout (no one wants a fat cox) and now that I know people a bit more I'll probably go down a few more nights - especially as racing will start soon. It's freezing cold and it's immensely frustrating because I want to be great at it instantly which is impossible because there is just so much to learn. But I am loving it. I get to hang out with very tall men with buff bodies who wear lycra every weekend. I've made some good friends and did I mention there are guys with massive muscles in lycra????

I'm ultra competitive so my first goal is to be better than the other novice cox (she has 3 months head start on me). I'm pretty sure that after 2-3 more outings I'll be better. She has the upper hand at the moment as she has 12 outings more experience and so knows all the calls and should be comfortable with the steering.

On the boy front, well I've been seeing another rower from the same club that RB and FH belong to for the last 5 months. It's a very light relationship, i.e it's mainly based on sex. Although I do actually quite like him, neither of us wants anything serious just yet and I've only just entered the world of Rowing - so many boys to choose from!!! Hee hee.

Right, off to study river patterns now - oh yeah I am soooo going to be shit hot.