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Thursday 28 September 2006

I've changed my banner especially for this chap. So he can concentrate at work...hee hee.

Plus I've uploaded the photos from my weekend away. Go on go and have a look at photos of people you don't know.

I'm surrounded by cardboard boxes at the moment. One more day to go!

However I have been convinced to stay in Southampton on Saturday night. It's going to be very very messy.

Posted by Celeste at September 28, 2006 04:12 PM | TrackBack


Hehe thank yoooo =D

The two questions I need to ask though,

Are those your legs?


Was that your cleavage?


Posted by: Oli at September 29, 2006 03:06 AM

Yes they are my legs but they aren't much longer than that photo! I'm a short arse!

Yes that was a pic of my cleavage in a lovely corset I bought from La Senza.

Posted by: Celeste at September 29, 2006 03:18 AM

Sexual Karma Fairy says that the foot fetish guy in the wheel chair will be killing kittens over that picture.

Posted by: Rhys at September 29, 2006 03:57 AM

Nah Wheel chair guy likes Genuine Welsh boy feet.

Plus you can't see it in the photo but I actually have a crooked toe on my left foot because I broke it during a Ballet exam when i was 9.

I also photoshopped a cut on my leg. Oh and I discovered how to make shadows hence the shadow. I get excited when I learn knew things.

Posted by: Celeste at September 29, 2006 04:18 AM

"I get excited when I learn knew things."

Make sure the next thing is to learn to spell :P

Posted by: Rhys at September 29, 2006 04:31 AM

Look I am constantly checking my spelling and grammar at work so I rest on my blog.

At least I don't need to learn how to pull the opposite sex!!! Ner ner ner ner ner (kidding loveyoureally)

Posted by: Celeste at September 29, 2006 04:41 AM

Least I......don't have breasts!*

Yeah. I told you.

*Actually that's not true. Stupid boy boobs.

Posted by: Rhys at September 29, 2006 04:44 AM


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