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Saturday 30 September 2006

Today is the day of the big move! I'm all packed and ready to go. My mum is taking my precious things back to Reading and I will be taking the below to London. Eeeep.

My friends are giving me a massive send off tonight. A big group of us will be heading into town. Drink will be flowing. In honour of tonight I have bought a gorgeous, see throughish, black, backless top. It's lovely.

Although I'm not going to miss Southampton (Even though they've just opened a Reflex club here), I'm really going to miss the people I met here. They are easily the best friends anyone one could have. They've been there for me when I truly needed them and they are all nuts.

The next time I post here I'll be in London. Not sure when I'll get chance to post so look after the place would ya?

Feel free to leave declarations of love, poetry spurred from the emptyness you feel without me or contact numbers of really dishy blokes.

Ciao X

*UPDATE* Well I'm here at my hostel. Got here in one piece and stress free with very sore shoulders from a heavy back pack! I'm sharing a room with 8 other people who are all out at the moment. So here begins my new life!

Posted by Celeste at September 30, 2006 05:05 AM | TrackBack


i hope they give a stunning send-off for a stunning woman. take care, hon : )

Posted by: amelie at September 30, 2006 09:56 AM

glad you made it safe and sound : )

Posted by: amelie at October 1, 2006 03:13 PM

Good luck my little honey. You are in my thoughts for the most awesome adventure! Have a blast, be wild and do something great. You'll find what you're looking for.

But I'll miss you *begins weeping uncontrolably* Love ya little sis! xxx

Posted by: silk at October 2, 2006 03:19 AM

Hey mate, sorry I've been so quiet. Good luck trawling the agencies today. I know you're going to knock em dead. ;)

Posted by: Rad at October 2, 2006 03:32 AM

Good luck, and I know it's going to work out perfectly :o)

Posted by: Nugget at October 2, 2006 07:34 AM

Hope all is going well gorgeous :D

Posted by: Fern at October 6, 2006 05:37 PM


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