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Tuesday 7 March 2006

In an episode of Sex and the City, ultimate independant woman (even though every series was about how she was trying to find Mr Right - but that's a whole other post!) Carrie Bradshaw decided she'd do the oh so taboo of dining on her own.

Oh yes she asked for a table for one, turned down champagne sent by two guys on another table. Wow. What a strong woman she was. Oh look how she doesn't need anyone. Yeah great. NOT!

I was in London yesterday attending interviews and I had to have lunch on my own.

Let me tell you, it sucks. Not only was I bored but the waiters at this restaurant, who happened to all be male, treated my like a 'special' person. I mean it was like someone had phoned ahead and told them that I had a terminal illness and eating a burger on my own was a last wish.

I didn't feel empowered. The whole purpose of eating out in my view is to enjoy your yourself. It's a social thing. If you're in the 90% of people who can't afford to eat out daily then it's a treat.

So I'd like to say:

'Carrie, you LIED! I feel used and let down.'

Posted by Celeste at March 7, 2006 04:23 AM | TrackBack


I've eaten alone a couple of times, and it sucks. It's a very French thing to do.

Oh, and it's worse for men, as we don't have male waiters swarming around us. Which is a good thing, but we don't have female ones either.

Posted by: Rhys at March 7, 2006 05:10 AM

I like it - the conversation is better and I'm always right!


Posted by: Tilesey at March 7, 2006 10:55 AM

I've done it once. TO be honest, I only do it when I have no choice but I don't really give two shits either way. As long as I have a book or something to do, who cares what some waiters in a random restaurant think?

Posted by: Geyv at March 8, 2006 10:22 AM


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