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Monday 3 April 2006

Y'know, sometimes having a perfect boyfriend isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I mean I'm seriously missing out on 'Work Girls Bonding'.

WGB is essential if you want to get anywhere within a team. Being a temp it's even more important if you fancy a permanent job where you are based.

About 90% of WGB is about men. In my younger days (ok ok I was only 15 but the other girls were in their 20's!), all the girls I worked with were single so the Men subject mainly focused around how many guys they'd pulled the night before, how laborious dating was etc etc. Since I started working in an office environment I've been amongst women who all tend to be attached so the Men topic has shifted to 'How annoying they are, how they never do any housework, never do anything you ask, never do any romantic gestures etc etc.

In the past I could always join in. Now I just have to sit and smile and say things like 'Oh no he diiiid uhnt' - ok so maybe I don't say that but I'd love to.

Today's WGB session began at around 9am. She'd had a naff weekend because she'd had an arguement with her boyfriend. This lead to the following conversation topics:

" So and So never worries about housework. It's always me that has to do the cleaning" I don't have that problem as Tilesey is bar far the most houseproud person I've ever met. It's one of many things I find sexy about him.

" So and So never does anything romantic" Again no problem. Tilesey is always doing something amazingly sweet and thoughtful. I honestly don't know what I've done to desreve such a great guy.

"So and so never makes an effort anymore. I don't think he's showered in two days and he only washes his hair once a week" Yet again, absolutely no gripes. Tilesey regularly goes to the gym, does sit ups daily (so I won't stop fancying him apparently) showers daily, smells good ALL day, never has big sweat patches under his arms even though he gets in for work at 8 and finishes at 9pm.

So let's just hope that I've won these people over with my sparkling wit and 'can do' attitude as I've applied for a perm job here. If not I shall just have to get Tilesey to act like a non-perfect. God knows I can give him tips, I've been with enough!

Posted by Celeste at April 3, 2006 06:14 AM | TrackBack


Consider the washing up yours sweetie :-)

Posted by: Tilesey at April 3, 2006 10:51 AM

I would hate a perfect boyfriend - it would be truly awful.

Posted by: andre at April 3, 2006 11:18 AM

Is that because you are a boy Andre and you are straight?

Posted by: Celeste at April 3, 2006 11:40 AM


Bring the dishes to mine.

Posted by: Celeste at April 3, 2006 11:40 AM

lucky, lucky celeste! you better be treating him splendidly ; )

Posted by: amelie at April 4, 2006 12:06 AM

Poor you with your history of awful boyfriends....

Posted by: Jamesyboy at April 4, 2006 04:28 PM

No kidding that you're a lucky lass! The Lad barely does much around the house except his own laundry.

Posted by: sadie at April 4, 2006 04:59 PM

I've got more than one ex boyfriend Jameseyboy.

Sadie - I know. He's just everything I've ever hoped for.

Posted by: Celeste at April 5, 2006 02:51 AM


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